Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Vicious Terrorist Attacks remembered

 In 2001 terrorist flew two planes into the world trade tower. A third jet was crashed into the pentagon. Onboard a fourth jet everyday heros took matters into their own hands and stopped that jet from hitting it's target possibly the White House. Because of those action we live in a different world today, but they have not taken our freedoms away. We must always remember the men, women and children that lost their lives on that day. We must also honor those brave men and women that have keep us safe from similar acts ever since. We can honor all of these people by committing ourselves to never forgetting the acts of Sept 11, 2001. If you know a police officer, a TSA worker and member of our armed services or anyone involved in our intelligence community make sure to let them know how much we all appropriate their hard work, dedication and perseverance. On behave of the City of Mantorville, thank you one and all! 


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