Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15th Article

Marigold days is behind us and the air is getting more crisp. Soon we will be getting our skis sharpened the sledge's oil changed and looking for our winter clothing. Before those dates, the city is busy finishing up some of the summers projects like the street work on 7th street. The city is also busy looking at our budget for 2015.

Follow up from last weeks article:
In my attempt to thank many of those involved with our Marigold days events. I missed a very significant contribution! I thanked the K-M Lions Club for their help with the setting the flags but I neglected to thank the entire Mantorville Field of Flags Committee. I am deeply sorry for this omission and I truly do appreciate both Cindy Nelson and Dick Denny's help organizing the event, collecting money and arranging the program. I would also like to thank the Kasson American Legion for their help with presenting the colors.

Mantorville GEM
Sen. Senjem with Anthony's Boyscout Troop
An abbreviated version of my Article from last week appeared in the paper, for a complete copy refer to my blog at In the full version of my article I recognized our GEM for 2014 Mr. Anthony Hofstad. Mr. Hofstad also presented his Eagle project during the weekend. Congratulations again Anthony. My remarks at the Eagle Project dedication are also on my blog.

The Council is currently looking at our list of next projects; these include new siding for the Fire Department, sidewalk work and more street work. We also have the much talked about Waste Water Treatment plant project in cooperation with Kasson. There is more detail on some of these projects on my blog. The council also looked at expanding the scope of the 7th street drainage project. After our engineering firm consulted with three contractors, we received a very favorable bid for the expanded work to address additional drainage capacity around 6th street. The council gave our engineer the authorization to move forward with that additional work.

This last week we remembered the events of September 11th 2001. For many of us those events seem like just yesterday, for others it is something they heard about from their parents or teachers. In any event it is important to remember that there is evil in the world and that we must remain ever vigilant. The city's new flags, and many others around the nation, were flown at half mast to remember and honor those that lost their life that fall morning. We must also remember that many others have placed themselves in harms way and even made the ultimate sacrifice while defending freedom. May God bless all those that have served or are currently serving in our armed forces. We will NEVER forget!

Yours in service,

Chuck Bradford,
Mayor – City of Mantorville

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