Thursday, June 20, 2024

DCSO warns City of High Risk Flooding next few days

 The Dodge County Sheriff's office sent a warning email to City officials about the potential of heavy flooding the next few days. Their email is presented below:

Good afternoon, 

I am passing this information on to make sure everyone is aware of the heavy rain potential the next couple of days.  

As you know Dodge County is completely saturated and at our limits for precipitation. 

If we end up get some of the heavier bands (5-6”) from these storms, we will likely have flooding impacts. 

One of the primary impacts that we would all face would be sudden road closures as roads and culverts are washed out. 


I have attached a couple of illustrations to help explain what is expected for rains over the next few days. 


I also want to make sure that you all have my contact information is the event you need additional assistance during this.

Cell Phone 507-884 -8634


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. 





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