Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sen Nelson talks with Business Owners

 Senator Carla Nelson visited with Mantorville's business owners and a representative from Elcor during our weekly Construction and Coffee. The group was told that the curbs by 6 and 7 should be going in this week or possibly early next week, then down by the bridge. The group was also told that construction should wrap up in about a month. Senator Nelson took notes and asked what we wanted to be included in her news letter. We told her we want the message to get out that Mantorville's businesses are open and needing customers. We also told the senator that she could put a plug in for our Marigold celebration since our construction will be defiantly done well before that.

MNDOT Update #10


Monday, June 24, 2024

Write a Caption

 OK people seriously, DON'T DO THIS!

Going around barricades is illegal, dangerous and stupid! If you illegally enter a construction zone and damage tools, supplies or equipment you will be held responsible for the damages and could possibly loose driving privileges.

So lets have some fun here, Write a caption for this picture:

Hopefully the collected comments will shame others into NOT doing similar things!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

DCSO warns City of High Risk Flooding next few days

 The Dodge County Sheriff's office sent a warning email to City officials about the potential of heavy flooding the next few days. Their email is presented below:

Good afternoon, 

I am passing this information on to make sure everyone is aware of the heavy rain potential the next couple of days.  

As you know Dodge County is completely saturated and at our limits for precipitation. 

If we end up get some of the heavier bands (5-6”) from these storms, we will likely have flooding impacts. 

One of the primary impacts that we would all face would be sudden road closures as roads and culverts are washed out. 


I have attached a couple of illustrations to help explain what is expected for rains over the next few days. 


I also want to make sure that you all have my contact information is the event you need additional assistance during this.

Cell Phone 507-884 -8634


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. 





Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sen. Nelson to attend Construction and coffee

 Senator Carla Nelson is planning on attending the construction and coffee on June 26 at 2:00pm at the County Seat Cafe. The Senator would like to get an update on the project from Elcor as well as hear concerns with the project from our business owners and community members.

The Hwy 57 bridge over the river did open today and there was a frenzy of traffic already by 7:00pm tonight.

The Mantorville City Council is hosing a public town hall to go over plans for the band shell in Riverside park. The town hall will be presented during the regular City Council meeting on June 24 after 6:30pm.

MNDOT Update #9

Monday, June 10, 2024

Mantorville in the News

 Chanel 6 News came out to Mantorville today and did a new story on the Hwy 57 project. They spoke with the bank manager here in Mantorville, a council member and myself. Their story can be found at the following link : KAAL Story

The New was out in Mantorville last November covering this topic as well, that article cvan be viewed online KIMT Nov Story

Weekly Reminders

 First Reminder : Bridge closed for a week starting today.

Second reminder: Weekly construction meeting held on wed at 2:00 at the County Seat.

Friday, June 7, 2024

MNDOT Update #8 - Bridge Closing