Sunday, September 7, 2014

Anthony Hofstad's Eagle Scout Remarks

September 6th, 2014

I had the honor to make a few remarks at a Eagle Scout Dedication this past weekend as part of Marigold days. Senator Senjem presented a U.S. Flag that was flown over the State Capitol. I wanted to share with everyone that was not able to attend the ceremony some of the remarks I made about this brave young man:

The Boy Scouts of America is an organization with over 2.5 million scouts and close to a million volunteers. The mission of the BSA is to instill a sense of morality, reverence and duty in young scouts to prepare them for being active citizens. In most cases the Eagle Project is their first experience in community service. In Anthony’s case this is not true, Anthony has been involved in his community already and is currently serving as a Fire Department Explorer. Anthony is a true entrepreneur and has started his own small business. While the past year has been a difficult one for this young man with some significant road blocks a person of his age should not have to deal with, Anthony in the best sense of the scouts did not let this slow him down! He finished his Eagle Scout project, continued with his duties on the Fire Department and kept up with his school work. Quite impressive for anyone at any age!

The Scout Law says:
“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and country”…… I’m going to stop there. Duty to God and Country! There is something you don’t hear too much about anymore these days. The concept that a good citizen has an obligation to help his country, neighbors and to respect God’s law.

I feel that Anthony is a perfect example of what the scouts had in mind when they created the rank of Eagle Scout.

The City of Mantorville is proud to call Anthony one of our own, and his example serves as a reminder to us all.

We are here to dedicate Anthony’s Eagle Scout project to the City of Mantorville. The Eagle project is only pursued by 7% of the BSA’s 2.5 million scouts, making this a very prestigious achievement. In order to reach this rank a scout must complete the requirements of the previous five ranks, earn 21 merit badges which include First Aid, Emergency preparedness and Family and Community responsibility. In addition the scout must serve in a leadership position in the scouts as well as in a religious organization.

Now is with great pride and joy that I introduce our senator, Senator Dave Senjem to say a few words about Anthony’s accomplishments. Dave…

Sen. Senjem presenting the flag
Sen Senjem, Mayor Bradford and Anthony
Senator Senjem Presenting flag                           Senator Senjem, Mayor Bradford and Mr Hofstad

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