News Release
For Release on March 16, 2017
City of Mantorville Launches New Brand, Logo and Tagline
Mantorville, MN – The City of Mantorville, one of Minnesota’s treasured historic places, will launch its new brand and logo. The event will take place at the Mulligan Stew Fundraiser, a dinner & live benefit auction celebrating, St. Patrick’s Day (a day early) on Thursday, March 16, 2017. Dinner, entertainment and a live auction hosted by the Mantorville Restoration Association (MRA) and The Hubbell House will take place at The Hubbell House, 502 N. Main Street, Mantorville MN 55955. Dinner is served from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. The City and EDA Committee will unveil the new logo at a short presentation beginning at 7:00 pm with a live auction to follow with proceeds to benefit the MRA’s historic properties.
Mayor, Chuck Bradford said, “It has never been a more exciting time than now to be a citizen of Mantorville, and this new brand and logo reflect our enthusiasm and focus on connecting our visitors and residents with our businesses, parks and trails and historic district.”
The new brand and logo represents the unique attributes of both a historic icon for Minnesota and a growing community. The new brand and logo is one of several initiatives the city officials have planned based on the findings of the Comprehensive Plan, which focused on identifying the goals, vision and direction for Mantorville’s future.
“It’s an exciting time for Mantorville,” said Karl Huppler, EDA Chair. “We are forward-thinking, but rooted deeply in tradition. So when we plan for our city’s next chapters,
we want to capture our community’s energy and aspiration, while making sure to understand and hold on to our small town charm and deep connection to one of Minnesota’s historic places. I think this work tells a story true to our place and that
gives us a path to accomplish it.”
During the brand project, the brand committee identified four pillars of Mantorville’s identity:
• A unique city alive with history, Mantorville welcomes visitors with it’s, charming, entertaining and memorable fun.
• It’s about keeping the promise of Mantorville’s character and history intact for future generations to enjoy by preserving such a significant Minnesota treasure.
• Mantorville is a timeless, romantic and convenient getaway destination.
• Mantorville is a quaint rural community where you can live, grow and raise a family.
The pillars will be incorporated into the city’s messaging through its website, brochures, marketing, community events and other avenues of communication.
Mantorville Primary Identifier with Tagline: As for the new logo, Mantorville Minnesota appears spelled out in two lines and centered – contained in the curved cornered box background with two small flanking stars to the sides of the name. It features a wood cut heavy slab serif typeface, Acknowledgement (Weiner, 2001) for the Mantorville name with a Victorian Gothic revival, an English and German influence that represents the settlers’ heritage of the area. Gill Sans, a classical modern san serif typeface, is used for the word Minnesota. There’s a 1800s stagecoach, driver and team of horses above the name in the box. The stagecoach represents the city’s commitment to its unique past as a stagecoach stop city and it’s preservation efforts. The tag line is just below and it reads: Trail to the Past. Road to the Future.

The design of the new logo stems from the collaborative efforts of a brand advisory panel of local stakeholders as well as feedback from regional surveys, focus groups and workshops with city council members, residents, visitors, members of the business community and representatives from the area. With many strong options like the iconic courthouse, the limestone buildings and quarries, the scenic Zumbro River, the choice was difficult. The committee chose Mantorville’s role as a major stagecoach stop in the 19th century with a tag line that looks toward a bright future in the 21st century.
Implementation plans are underway to phase in the use of the new brand and logo on the city and tourism related materials. Organizations, businesses and individuals wanting to know more about the Mantorville brand can contact city hall for more information.
More than a piece of art, the logo is something that people can rally behind and be proud of. It’s a brand that fits seamlessly with the City of Mantorville’s essence and timeless traditions. For our residents and businesses, it’s a visual reminder of our truly unique city and all of the extraordinary lives, activities and stories that unfold here. For our visitors, they can experience a unique stagecoach stop city alive with history and ageless fun. It’s about simple treasures, celebrations and making memories.
About MantorvilleNestled in a picturesque setting in a valley along the Zumbrota River, The City of Mantorville is located in east central Dodge County. The community’s history dates back to 1854 when Peter and Riley Mantor and E.P. Waterman settled in the area. Soon after, John Shober, who established the first store in the community and John Hubbell, who constructed what is said to be the first hotel in the State of Minnesota, joined them. Generations of Mantorville citizens have been careful to record and preserve the abundance of Minnesota and U.S. history left in their care.
The Dodge County Courthouse located in Mantorville is the oldest working Courthouse in Minnesota. It was constructed with Mantorville limestone, as are many of the buildings located in the Historic District as well as the Plummer building and Plummer house in Rochester. The entire twelve blocks of the downtown area is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and includes a number of architecturally and historically significant sites, including the Hubbell House and the Opera House. Mantorville limestone is probably as responsible as anything for the town surviving for over 160 years. The abundance of this quality building material was a determining factor in the Mantor brothers’ selection for this place to settle.
©2017 City of Mantorville. All rights reserved. Mantorville, Minnesota stagecoach logo and “Trail to the Past. Road to the Future” tagline are registered trademarks of the City of Mantorville.